eScrip’s Featured Group
Catalina Foothills High School Band Boosters

Catalina Foothills High School Band Boosters
Featured Group: Catalina Foothills High School Band Boosters
Location: Tuscon, AZ
Coordinator: Rene Shane-Boyd, Band Director
Annual Earnings: (2010) $17,000

PROGRAM SUCCESS!                               

CFHS Band Boosters promotes the eScrip program on the Band Booster website, in the monthly Falcon Flyer high school newsletter, the Falcon Band Note newsletter, and at monthly Band Booster meetings. Booster representatives speak to each parent at school registration time and encourage them to sign up for eScrip and to shop at Safeway and the eScrip Online Mall, then follow up with email reminders throughout the year.

WHAT IS THE ESCRIP MONEY USED FOR?                               

The eScrip program is the largest and most important fundraiser we have for the Foothills Falcon Band. Proceeds are used to purchase supplemental music and instruments, pay for professional musicians and clinicians to improve the band’s performance, to provide student meals and snacks before competitions, and to support the band program in many other ways.

COORDINATOR THANK YOU:                               

Thank you Safeway, eScrip and the Catalina Foothills High School Band Families for supporting us and helping us achieve our goals! We very much appreciate your commitment to our program and music education.

INTERESTING OR UNIQUE FACTS (HISTORY)                               

The Foothills Falcon Marching Band is the largest high school marching band in the state, averaging around 250 students annually, including a large drumline and auxiliary colorguard and pomline groups. In 2006, the band marched in the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade in New York City. In the summer of 2008, the band was invited to participate in the pre-Olympic Festivals in Beijing, China, where they performed several times on the Great Wall, in the Forbidden City and other monuments. In the 2009-2010 school year, the Falcon Band was invited to participate in the Fiesta Bowl Parade and National Band Competition. The band has been awarded the prestigious Milton B. Nunamaker Award for Distinction at University of Arizona Band day in 2008 and 2011. This summer s performance trip will be to Australia.

Marching Band is just a part of the band program at Catalina Foothills. In the winter and spring there are three levels of concert bands, plus the Drumline and Colorguard, which participate in winter competitions. Other performance groups include the Jazz Band, Jazz Combos, Flute Choir, Woodwind Quintet and Steel Drum bands.

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