eScrip's Featured Group
La Paz Intermediate School
Our school conducts “Leopard Run” every August to register students, sell PE uniforms and provide students and parents an opportunity to tour the campus. Our eScrip signup table was one of the stations for parents to visit while registering their student. We also included a signup flyer in the student registration packet.

Our local Golden Spoon provided us with coupons for a Free Serving of frozen yogurt for families that enrolled. We enrolled 90 families in eScrip during Leopard Run!

We have a dedicated website for eScrip and other programs that earn funds for our school. Visit to see our site! Many of our parents prefer to enroll online and can read up on other ways to support La Paz. In addition, our school utilizes eNewsletter to deliver daily email announcements of upcoming events and school news to our families. We include a link back to our website in the announcement with every campaign.

A few years ago, we conducted a “Donut Drive-Thru” to collect eScrip enrollment forms. We coned off one of the school parking lot aisles and as parents arrived to drop off their students in the morning, they drove through our parking lot and were given hot coffee and a donut for each form returned. Some of our parent volunteers and staff were “carhops” that morning. We collected a good stack of forms and had a great time!

La Paz Intermediate School
Leopards Featured Group: La Paz Intermediate School
Group ID #: 6595727
Location: Mission Viejo, California
Principal: Allan Mucerino
Coordinators: Irene Klepp and Todd Stichter
Date enrolled: November 2001
eScrip Monthly Contributions: $600
How Contributions will be Spent: eScrip proceeds are used to purchase printers, reading tests, software licenses and projectors for our classrooms and library.

La Paz
Coordinators Todd Stichter and Irene Klepp
QUOTE FROM A SUPPORTER                               
Students in the Library

I tell everyone I know about the benefits of eScrip and check my account monthly to see how much I donated! It’s a great program and since I am a big Macy’s fan, I never felt better about shopping. So you guys continue to keep track of it and do all of the work and I’ll take care of the shopping! Thanks eScrip!
– Meg Gorham, La Paz Intermediate STPO President

FEEDBACK FROM SCHOOL STAFF                               

When we began looking beyond traditional funding sources we never dreamed that we would be able to raise so much money. In a little over two years, it has not only revolutionized the way we raise money, but it has provided us with the time and inspiration to pursue other sophisticated techniques for fundraising. We have raised over $18,000 from eScrip since 2004.”
– Allan Mucerino,
Principal, La Paz Intermediate School

“Given that technology is an essential tool in the acceleration of student academic growth, eScrip has been an extremely valuable tool for fundraising, providing the means for our school to purchase student computers, teacher presentation projectors and arts and science materials.”
– Todd Stichter, Assistant Principal and Technology Director, La Paz Intermediate School

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